Move from Toronto to Australia - Paramount Blog

Move from Toronto to Australia

Move from Toronto to Australia

Every year we move many families and expatriates to Australia. Moving household goods to this part of the world, like with any other international move can be a daunting process. This is not the case if you are prepared and a good starting point is knowing what can and cannot be included in your shipment. Below list will provide a guideline on what should not be moved.   


Prohibited Items

Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) states that the following items are prohibited from importation into Australia and should not be included in personal and household effects shipments: 

  • Live animals (including pets) would require an import permit

  • Soiled items, or items containing organic residues

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables

  • Unidentified seeds, which include some foods and spices

  • Live plants and bulbs

  • Biological products, including some plant-based, herbal medications

  • Prohibited and restricted seeds

  • Unprocessed goods of plant or animal origin



Getting organized?

Our Helpful Tools section will help you prepare for your move day with confidence and answer many other questions about what you can ship.

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